

  1. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting on Integrative Epigenetics in Plants 2022, Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA), December 12-15, 2022, Awaji, Japan
    Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Motoki Shimizu, Takeshi Yasuda, Elizabeth S Dennis, Motoaki Seki and Ryo Fujimoto. Role of four major histone modifications in regulating heterosis in Chinese cabbage (#Research paper, #Poster)

  2. Spring Annual Meeting 2022, Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS), March 20, 2022, e-conference
    Hasan Mehraj, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Prospect for increasing the density of genetic markers in Chinese cabbage linkage map usng GRAS-Di technique (#Research paper, #Oral)

  3. 21st Australian Brassica Conference (ABC), September 7-8, 2021, Australia [Hybrid format]
    Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Yutaka Suzuki, Motoki Seki, Elizabeth S Dennis and Ryo Fujimoto. Characterization of histone H3 lysine 4 and 36 tri-methylation in Brassica rapa (#Research paper, #Oral)

  4. Bilateral Joint Research Projects of Japan Society for the Promotion of science (JSPS), December 17-18, 2019, Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, Korea
    Hasan Mehraj, Kodai Matsuo, Motoki Shimizu, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Comparison of the transcriptome profile between F1 hybrid cultivar and its parental lines at two early developmental stages in Chinese cabbage (#Research paper, #Oral)

  5. Annual Autumn Meeting 2019, The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS), September 15-16, 2019, Shimane University, Shimane, Japan
    Hasan Mehraj, Kodai Matsuo, Motoki Shimizu, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Comparison of the transcriptome profile between F1 hybrid cultivar and its parental lines at two early developmental stages in Chinese cabbage (#Research paper, #Oral)

  6. 2019 KSBS and SABRAO 14th International Conference on Plant Breeding for Sustainable Development, July 1-5, 2019, Gwangju, South Korea
    Hasan Mehraj, Kodai Matsuo, Motoki Shimizu, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Identification of non-additively expressed genes at early developmental stages in an F1 hybrid cultivar of Chinese cabbage(#Research paper, #Oral)

  7. The 9th Asian Crop Science Association Conference (9th ACSAC), ACSA, June 5-7, 2017, Jeju-do, South Korea
    Hasan Mehraj, Md. Meskatul Alam, Sultana Umma Habiba and Kazuhiko Shimasaki. Role of chlorocholine chloride on the In Vitro PLBs organogenesis of Phalaenopsis ‘Fmk02010’  (#Research paper, #Poster)

  8. III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, ISHS, October 17-21, 2016, Chania, Greece
    Hasan Mehraj, Md. Meskatul Alam, Kazuhiko Shimasaki and Sultana Umma Habiba. In vitro PLBs organogenesis of Phalaenopsis using different monosaccharide carbon sources under LED lights (#Research paper, #Poster)

  9. The First International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Ornamentals (TSO 2016), ISHS, March 7-9, 2016, Krabi, Thailand
    [A] Hasan Mehraj*, Tropa Taufique, Kazuhiko Shimasaki and AFM Jamal Uddin. Morpho-genotypic interrelationship and genetic distance of chrysanthemum. Acta Horticulturae 2017, 1167, 313-322
    (#Research paper, #Poster)
    [B] Tropa Taufique, Hasan Mehraj*, Kazuhiko Shimasaki and AFM Jamal Uddin. Flower blooming pattern and color-based classification of chrysanthemum cultivars in Bangladesh. Acta Horticulturae 2017, 1167, 349-358
    (#Research paper, #Poster)


  1. 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023), ISHS and JSHS, Aug 28-31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
    [A] Ryo Fujimoto, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Motoki Shimizu, Takeshi Yasuda, Motoaki Seki and Elizabeth S Dennis. Genetic and epigenetic approaches for understanding molecular mechanism of heterosis in shoots at early developmental stages of Chinese cabbage (#Research paper, #Oral)
    [B] Mst. Arjina Akter, Naomi Miyaji, Motoki Shimizu, Hasan Mehraj, Md. Asad-Ud Doullah, Elizabeth S Dennis, Izumi Chuma and Ryo Fujimoto. Identification of candidate genes associated with the defense response following Albugo candida inoculation in Brassica rapa L. (#Research paper, #Oral)
    [C] Saaya Shiraki, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Motoaki Seki, Elizabeth S Dennis and Ryo Fujimoto. Comparison of the histone modifications H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation states between accessions in Chinese cabbage (#Research paper, #Poster)

  2. Spring Annual Meeting  of the JSHS, March, 2023, Japan (園芸学会令和4年度秋季大会20233)
    Saaya Shiraki, Hasan Mehraj, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Role of H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 in the gene expression of Brassica rapa (#Research paper, #Oral)
    [In Japanese 白木沙彩、メエラジハサン安田剛志、藤本龍。Brassica rapaにおけるH3K4me3H3K36me3の遺伝子発現における役割]

  3. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting on Integrative Epigenetics in Plants 2022, Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA), December 12-15, 2022, Awaji, Japan
    [A] Ryo Fujimoto, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Kazumasa Fujiwara, Naomi Miyaji, Saaya Shiraki, Motoki Shimizu and Elizabeth S Dennis. Genetic and epigenetic approaches for understanding the molecular approaches of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa (#Research paper, #Oral)
    [B] Yoshiki Kamiya, Hasan Mehraj, Kodai Matsuo, Motoki Shimizu, Satoshi Takahashi, Motoaki Seki, Takeshi-Takasaki Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. The relationship between the function of DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1) and salinity tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, Columbia-0 and C24 (#Research paper, #Poster)

  4.  142th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding (JSB), 23rd September 2022, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan (日本育種学会第142回講演20229)
    Yoshiki Kamiya, Hasan Mehraj, Takeshi Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Evaluation of hybrid vigor for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis
    [In Japanese 神矢良樹Hasan Mehraj, 安田剛志藤本龍シロイヌナズナの耐塩性おける雑種強勢の評価]

  5. Autumn Annual Meeting  of the JSHS, Sept 7-13, 2022, Online (園芸学会令和4年度秋季大会20229)
    [A] Yoshiki Kamiya, Hasan Mehraj, Mst. Arjina Akter, Satoshi Takahashi, Takeshi Yasuda, Motoaki Seki and Ryo Fujimoto. Effect of active histone modifications on gene expression in Chinese cabbage
    [In Japanese 神矢良樹Hasan Mehraj, Mst. Arjina Akter, 高橋聡史、安田剛志、関原明、藤本龍。ハクサイにおける長鎖非コード RNA ゲノム領域のエピジェネティック修飾]
    [B] Saaya Shiraki, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Takeshi Yasuda, Motoaki Seki and Ryo Fujimoto. Epigenetic modifications of long noncoding RNA genomic regions in Chinese cabbage
    In Japanese 白木沙彩、Hasan Mehraj, 高橋聡史、安田剛志、関原明、藤本龍。ハクサイにおいて活性型ヒストン修飾が遺伝子発現に及ぼす影響]

  6. International Symposium on Breeding and Effective Use of Biotechnology and Molecular Tools in Horticultural Crops, 31st International Horticulture Congress, ISHS, August 14-20, 2022, Angers, France
    [A] Saaya Shiraki, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Ayasha Akter, Naomi Miyaji, Motoaki Seki, Elizabeth S Dennis and Ryo Fujimoto. The role of histone modification in gene expression in Brassica rapa vegetables. Acta Horticulturae 2023, 1362, 107-112.
    [B] Yoshiki Kamiya, Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Ayasha Akter, Naomi Miyaji, Motoaki Seki, Elizabeth S Dennis, Kenji Osabe and Ryo Fujimoto. The role of epigenetic modifications in the transcriptional regulation of long noncoding RNAs in Brassica rapa vegetables. Acta Horticulturae 2023, 1362, 65-70.

  7. Spring Annual Meeting  of the JSHS, March 20, 2022, e-conference
    Mst. Arjina Akter, Hasan Mehraj and Ryo Fujimoto. Transcriptional association of mRNAs and their paired natural antisense transcripts following Fusarium oxysporum inoculation in Brassica rapa L.

  8. Plant Genomes, Systems Biology and Engineering, Virtual Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), December 1-3, 2021
    Hasan Mehraj, Satoshi Takahashi, Naomi Miyaji, Motoaki Seki, Elizabeth S Dennis and Ryo Fujimoto. Comparative paralog histone modification states following whole genome triplication in Brassica rapa L.

  9. 136th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding (JSB), September 7-8, 2019, Kinki University, Osaka, Japan (日本育種学会第136回講演会20199)
    Namiko Nishida, Akter Ayasha, Etsuko Itabashi, Naomi Miyaji, Hasan Mehraj, Tomohiro Kakizaki, Keiichi Okazaki and Ryo Fujimoto. Expression ratio between FLC paralogs in Brassicaceae
    [In Japanese
    アクタ アヤシャ、板橋悦子、宮路直実, メエラジハサン柿崎 智博, 岡崎 桂一、 藤本龍。アブラナ科におけるFLCパラログ間の発現量比について]

  10. Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS), September 15-16, 2019, Shimane University, Shimane, Japan (園芸学会令和元年度秋季大会20199)
    Namiko Nishida, Daniel J Shea, Satoshi Takahashi, Etsuko Itabashi, Akter Ayasha, Naomi Miyaji, Hasan Mehraj, Takeshi Yasuda, Tomohiro Kakizaki, Akira Sekihara, Keiichi Okazaki and Ryo Fujimoto. Relationship between long non-coding RNA and epigenetics in Chinese cabbage
    In Japanese: 西田菜美子、シェア ダニエル、高橋聡史、板橋悦子、アクタ アヤシャ、宮路直実、メエラジハサン、安田剛志、柿崎智博、関原明、岡崎桂一、藤本龍。 ハクサイにおける長鎖非コードRNAとエピジェネティクスとの関係性]

  11. 135th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding (JSB), 7th March 2019, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan (日本育種学会第135回講演会 20193)
    Namiko Nishida, Daniel J Shea,
    Etsuko Itabashi, Ayasha Akter, Naomi Miyaji, Hasan Mehraj, Tomohiro Kakizaki, Keiichi Okazaki and Fujimoto Ryo. Identification of non-coding RNA in Chinese cabbage
    In Japanese 西田 菜美子、Daniel J Shea、板橋 悦子、Ayasha Akter、宮路 直美、Hasan Mehraj、柿崎 智博、岡崎 桂一、藤本龍。 ハクサイにおけるノンコーディングRNAの同定]

  12. The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS), Kinki Branch Osaka Convention, September 2018, Japan (日本園芸学会20189)
    Naomi Miyaji, Hasan Mehraj, Motoki Shimizu, Kaji Makoto, Takeshi (Takasaki) Yasuda and Ryo Fujimoto. Application of DNA marker selection system for Fusarium yellow and clubroot resistance in Brassica rapa L.
    In Japanese 宮路 直実、Hasan Mehraj清水 元樹、加治 誠、安田 (高崎) 剛志、岡崎桂一、藤本龍。Brassica rapa L.における萎黄病、根こぶ病抵抗性DNAマーカー選抜系の応用平成30年度園芸学会近畿支部大阪大会]

  13. 134th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding (JSB), September 7, 2018, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (日本育種学会第134回講演会20189)
    Kosuke Uezono, Daniel J Shea, Motoki Shimizu, Etsuko Itabashi, Hasan Mehraj, Keiichi Okazaki, Takeshi Yasuda and Fujimoto Ryo. Investigation of cotyledon and true leaf size-related genes in the early growth stage of Chinese cabbage.
    In Japanese 上園 倖輔、シェア ダニエル、清水 元樹、板橋 悦子、ハサンメエラジ、岡崎 桂一、安田 (高崎) 剛志、藤本龍。ハクサイ初期生育期における子葉および本葉サイズ関連遺伝子の探索]
